Julie Lackey

Personal message from our founder

Julie lackey

Welcome fellow trailblazers!!! Every parent knows firsthand the unique challenges of parenting.  One of the greatest rewards is seeing children grow and progress while overcoming obstacles along life’s journey. As you know, students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities have even greater challenges.   One obstacle currently in place in our state is the lack of choice for fully integrated support programs in our four-year colleges and universities, as well as our community colleges and technology centers.

 This obstacle prevents our kids from realizing their hopes and aspirations for their future and as for employment, assigns many of them to being under-employed at best, unemployed at worst, and probably the most tragic outcome, living as a dependent for their adult life span. The board of LeadLearnLive has worked hard to partner with the first university in Oklahoma to begin an IPSE program at Northeastern State University as well as our next partnership with Oklahoma State University to begin Opportunity Orange Scholars. Incredibly generous donors, committed collaborators at these universities and a great deal of prayer have brought these programs to life. We do not want to send our kids out of state for the opportunities that our own state could and should provide.  We know that there are more amazing institutions of higher learning right here at home that are ideal for programs that now are a reality at NSU and OSU. We invite you to read through our information and get involved! We need donors, and we also need ‘connectors’ - those who can connect us to generous Oklahomans with a heart for our mission.  We are focused on continuing our assistance and oversight with Opportunity Orange Scholars through our funding period as well as welcoming further donations for scholarship support for students.  Thank you for your interest and please share our mission with others!

Warm regards,

Julie Lackey
Founder, LeadLearnLive